VueNotifications connects your app with notification UI library.
That's also means you can have any look and feel of notifications you want to!
And it would be easy to replace it =)
import VueNotifications from 'vue-notifications'
import miniToastr from 'mini-toastr'//
function toast ({title, message, type, timeout, cb}) {
return miniToastr[type](message, title, timeout, cb)
const options = {
success: toast,
error: toast,
info: toast,
warn: toast
Vue.use(VueNotifications, options)
export default {
name: 'MyComponent',
data () {
return {}
notifications: {
showSuccessMsg: {
type: VueNotifications.types.success,
title: 'Hello there',
message: 'That\'s the success!'
showInfoMsg: {
title: 'Hey you',
message: 'Here is some info for you'
showWarnMsg: {
type: VueNotifications.types.warn,
title: 'Wow, man',
message: 'That\'s the kind of warning'
showErrorMsg: {
type: VueNotifications.types.error,
title: 'Wow-wow',
message: 'That\'s the error'