发布于 2021-01-07 11:30
  • f1 - show/hide shortcut overview
  • cmd/ctrl+up - move current line up
  • cmd/ctrl+down - move current line down
  • cmd/ctrl+d - delete current line
  • cmd/ctrl+w/q - close application
  • cmd/ctrl +/= - zoom text in
  • cmd/ctrl - - zoom text out
  • cmd/ctrl+0 - reset text size
  • cmd/ctrl+]/[/k - fold note collapsing
  • cmd/ctrl+f - search (you can also use regular expressions, by starting and ending with a /)
  • shift+cmd/ctrl+f - replace
  • shift+cmd/ctrl+r - replace all
  • cmd/ctrl+g - jump to line (you can also use : notation, or go relative lines with + and -)
  • cmd/ctrl+/ or cmd/ctrl+l - Add or toggle a checkbox
  • f11 - Toggle fullscreen
  • cmd/ctrl+i - Toggle between light and dark theme
  • alt - show or hide menu (Windows only)
  • cmd/ctrl+s - ...this does nothing.
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